Health and Safety in light of COVID-19
Prior to your appointment
If you have recently travelled to anywhere in the world, please allow 14 clear days before attending an appointment at our clinic.
Visiting our clinic is strictly by appointment only.
You will be sent any necessary forms to be filled in prior to your appointment by email.
On the day of your appointment
If you feel unwell, have a temperature, continuous cough, loss or change in taste of smell for any reason, please do not come to your appointment, instead please call on 07817695140 to re-arrange your appointment. Alternatively please email info@skintherapist.london We have suspended all cancellation/no show fees until further notice.
If you can drive to your appointment, please do so.
If you are taking public transport, please adhere to the government directive of wearing a mask.
On arrival, at the main reception, you will be required to use a non-irritant antibacterial sanitiser
To allow for safe social distancing, only one person is permitted in my treatment room at one time.
Your temperature will be taken with a remote thermometer. Appointment will be cancelled if temperature is not within the normal readings.
Our main waiting room will be in operation but will be restricted to a small number of people at one time, so please arrive at your appointment time.
Please do not bring guests or children to our clinic unless they are also being treated and need to be chaperone.
Please avoid bringing excess bags, coats, and belongings to your appointment
My treatment room and adjoining reception area is cleaned thoroughly after every appointment. Therefore, extra time will be allowed for this process.
During your appointment
Everything will now take place within the treatment room, this includes, consultations, payments and purchasing of products.
For treatments, all practitioners will wear a new apron, gloves, mask, and face shield. Our treatment couch is cleaned and refreshed with a new disposable covering between each client.
Please do not touch any retail items or products on display, we will talk you through any aftercare suggestions.
Our card machine is thoroughly disinfected and cleaned after each use.
After your Appointment
If you feel unwell, develop a temperature, continuous cough, lose or experience changes in your taste or smell for any reason within 14 days of your appointment, please inform us immediately by calling 07817695140. Alternatively, you can email info@skintherapist.london
PLEASE NOTE: We will do everything in our power to keep you safe when visiting our rooms - Ground floor suite 53 Wimpole Street, we expect the same courtesy from you. Thank you for your co-operation